About Me

Hi, I'm Steven. I'm currently a second-year student at the University of Waterloo studying data science. I'm passionate about machine learning, full-stack development, and of course, data science

I have a deep understanding with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js), which I used to create a variety of full-stack applications, both for applicable purposes and personal projects. I also have experience with NLP, machine learning, and data science through the use of various python libraries

I'm passionate about these technologies because of the endless possibilities they offer for innovation and problem-solving. From crafting seamless user experiences to leveraging data-driven insights for impactful solutions, I love building applications that make a tangible difference in people's lives.

I'm eager to collaborate with others to create technology that can shape a brighter and more inclusive future. When I'm not programming, I enjoy weightlifting, cooking, basketball, and playing chess.
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What I use
